Early Years and Primary

Casa Mia Montessori School has permission granted by the Schools’ Curriculum and Standards Authority to deliver the Montessori Australia Curriculum.

The Montessori Curriculum is mapped to the Early Years Learning Framework and the West Australian Curriculum.

The curriculum addresses 8 learning areas that are taught in both a discrete and an interdisciplinary manner.

  • English

  • Mathematics

  • Science

  • Humanities and Social Science

  • The Arts

  • Technologies

  • Health and Physical Education

  • Auslan

As a primary school, the curriculum in the primary section has a strong emphasis on literacy and numeracy and what is termed ‘Cosmic Education’. The word ‘cosmic’ in this context means limitless or boundless paying heed to the interconnectedness of everything in our universe.  Cosmic education has integrated units known as the ‘Great Stories’ that develop deep learning, higher order thinking, community consciousness and an awareness for responsibilities for the environment. 

The children’s exposure to geography, history and nature is central to the cosmic education at Casa Mia. This innovative programme demonstrates to the children their place in the world with their rights and responsibilities.

As a small community school, Casa Mia is committed to providing a quality, structured education in an open, joyous, flexible and supportive learning environment. Casa Mia nurtures each individual child’s emotional, social, cultural, physical and academic development.

Multi-aged learning is part of the Casa Mia educational approach affording the children the opportunity to learn at their own pace and have many social and emotional experiences. The staff are well qualified and selected through merit procedures. Ongoing professional learning is a high priority at the school.