Upper Primary - MAALI

In Upper Primary, the children are entering into a stage of consolidation that is marked by creativity. Their experiences and thought processes begin to connect. Their numeracy and literacy activities continue to be pursued but now for consolidation purposes and are strongly linked to the research projects.

In this cycle, the children spend a large part of their time pursuing their own research projects and engaging in community activities for the school. As they did in Lower Primary, the work is often done in groups with the children collaborating. These activities assist the development of communication and personal skills. Their research is done using tools such as books, texts and computers. The research topics are suggested by the teacher at the start of the cycle and the range widens as the children become interested in moral and social issues.

It is considered that an experience is only useful to a child if thinking follows and it becomes meaningful. It is the reflection on the consequences that will make the meaning and help the child to grow and develop. This action of reflective thinking helps the children become responsible. It is in this cycle that there is a strong development of social beings and responsible community members.

As the children explore their rights and responsibilities and their place in society, the children often base their projects on ethics and justice.

With the increasing maturity, the children take more responsibility for their learning. They will meet with their teacher for weekly conferences and a review of their personal goals. They will discuss the development of their organisational skills and their personal responsibility for achieving learning goals. Their tasks are scheduled both weekly and termly. They have daily lessons in small groups or on their own.

Upper primary children seek and enjoy taking on more social responsibility and at Casa Mia Montessori they are provided with opportunities to further develop their leadership skills. Opportunities are also created for interaction with the wider community.

The school year culminates in an end of year concert at which there is a graduation ceremony to mark the children moving on to high school.