Transition Phases
Maria Montessori always looked at the child’s education in relation to the child. We follow the needs of the child, in each plane of development the child has different needs. Along with this, each child is an individual and needs to be supported where they are at. Our process for transitioning the child from part time to full-time or between each cycle encompasses more than just a child’s academic ability, it looks at their social readiness, the dynamics in each room, their emotional regulation skills and their independence and self-driven nature.
Transition between phases: We aim to be flexible with transition and use observation and our teachers extensive knowledge and training to understand the intricacies of each individual child's developmental journey.
0-3 into 3-6 - This can happen any time after the child's 3rd birthday and once they are fully toilet trained. Please ensure you have completed an Application for Enrolment Form to ensure you are on our waitlist for 3-6/Children’s House.
3-6 Part-time to Full-time - This is a very gradual and gentle transition process. Usually around the time children are 4 years of age the teacher will conduct a readiness assessment and start looking at their develop as a whole.
Parents of part-time children stay in close contact with their child's class teacher about their attendance. See below for a general guideline:
* Meet and Greet - After the Enrolment process and you have received your Letter of Offer of a place you will be invited by your child's new teacher to attend this with your child in their new classroom.
* Orientation Day - The first day your child attends.
* 5 half days - Our 3 year-olds start on 5 half days, we liaise with parents if we feel the child is not yet ready for 5 half days and work with our families to meet the needs of the child.
* 5 half days - Around your child's 4th birthday the teacher will determine their readiness for full time. This could occur anywhere between 4 and 5 years of age.
* Gradual build up to 5 full days - Your child's class teacher will formulate a plan with you for this. Once readiness has been determined we gradually start introducing full days until your child is at 5 full days.
3-6 into 6-9 - Usually during either the child's Pre-Primary year or their Year 1 year of schooling. Transition times are at the start of the year and in Term 3.
6-9 into 9-12 - Usually during either the child's Year 3 or Year 4 year of schooling. Transition times are at the start of the year and in Term 3.
We acknowledge that every child is different and so we aim to provide flexibility with transition with the children's ultimate benefit in mind. Transition timing is not just based on your child's birthday but on their social, emotional and academic development, as well as that of other children in their current and receiving cohorts. Our transition policy is linked below for those who would like a copy.