
I feel blessed to be working with Lee, Madhu and all the students of Koomal class. It is a privilege to act as a guide to the children on this part of their journey through Casa Mia Montessori.

Their intrinsic curiosity, creativity and enthusiasm will be the foundations of their life long love of learning, an inner fire which I will stoke and protect. 

I hope play a role in nurturing their honestly and openness so that they may embrace themselves and understand their world.

I welcome the full spectrum of their emotions as I know that: by responding with kindness and compassion, independence and self-awareness can develop. In this space I will endeavour to guide their growth into active (rather than reactive) beings so that they can fully participate in the makings of their own future.

When I am not at Casa Mia I am likely at the beach, looking at tall trees or cooking and eating with my loved ones. I practice Tai Chi which a space for me to find balance and connection.

“Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope breeds peace”
- Confucius



