
I recently graduated from my Masters of Teaching, as having children of my own helped me discover my passion for teaching, after a lifetime of loving learning. My previous career as a zoologist and environmental scientist is something I hold dear, so learning about animals and conservation play a strong role in my teaching and activities.

I believe that all children have absorbent minds and are driven by an innate sense of curiosity to understand the world around them. The Montessori approach appeals to me as a mother and as a teacher because there is no greater gift than to love learning, and if we can engender that passion in the future generation, we help them not only lead happy and fulfilling lives, but create confident and passionate members of society. I think this is best achieved through exploration, fun and a supportive, loving and safe environment. I am excited to be a member of the Casa Mia family, and to get to know the children and their families who make up this beautiful community. 


Although I have a scientific background, my hobbies are very creative. I am an avid painter, and I love to garden, decorate cakes and dabble in various crafts. I find making things with my hands to be very mindful and I get so much joy from researching and learning a new skill.

“It's ultimately the purpose of education to cultivate the love of learning for its own sake”




